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You will definitely lose weight, but you need to remember that it’s not a linear process. How fast and how much will depend on a number of factors, such as your current weight, exercise habits, overall health, and medical history. And don’t get fixated on your scale – you should also track non-weight measures such as your waist circumference and how your clothes feel.
The short answer is: real food. In other words, you’ll eat nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods and limit (or completely avoid) highly refined and processed carbohydrates. Meals will include vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, proteins and healthy fats.
We encourage you to avoid sugars and refined carbs (such as regular breads, pasta, rice, crackers, grains and any foods with added sugars), but you can always find delicious healthier alternatives. For example, if pasta is your thing – try zucchini noodles. If you love pizza – make a low-carb cauliflower crust pizza. This isn’t about deprivation, it’s about finding a sustainable way of eating that works for your body and your health goals.
Absolutely! But it requires a bit of planning and preparation. Look up the restaurant menu before you get there, and identify your best option. Choose meals centred on proteins such as meat, fish, eggs or chicken.
Exercise is not necessarily needed for weight loss, but it is excellent for other reasons. It helps build lean body mass, improve your heart health, lower your insulin levels, increase your metabolism, and, come on, it makes you feel great! All of these will help you reach your goal. If you want to exercise but don’t know where to start, FAIRLADY has a very popular plan: .
If you have a food allergy, simply omit or substitute certain foods to meet your needs. For example, if you have a dairy allergy, opt for a dairy-free option such as nut-based, soy, or coconut milk.
Unfortunately, our plans are not suitable for people following a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Although the meal programme covers all your nutritional needs, certain supplements can be helpful, depending on your own requirements.
This programme is suitable for most women in menopause. But if you have any specific concerns, please do consult with a healthcare professional to determine if it is safe and appropriate for your particular needs.
In the beginning, you’ll eat three meals a day. As you progress, we’ll introduce intermittent fasting, at which time you will start eating two meals a day – plus a snack if needed.
Moderate drinking can be part of a healthy lifestyle, as long as you avoid high-carb options. That said, it can hamper weight loss because it adds calories, stops your body from burning fat stores and can also increase cravings. If you reach a weight-loss plateau (or have a health condition where alcohol is discouraged), we recommend you omit alcohol for now. If you do choose to drink, opt for lower carb options such as sparkling wine, dry wines and certain spirits. And always include some alcohol-free days.
You will pay R599 once-off for the full plan. The amount is payable upfront via credit card/Payfast or EFT.
Yes you can drink coffee and tea without milk or sugar. If you want dairy milk, limit to ¼ cup in whole day in drinks. Alternatively yes use almond milk. Avoid cappuccinos, most of the time as has a high milk content which is a higher carb content
Individual water needs depends on a few factors : how active you are, where you live and health conditions. Most people can stay hydrated by just drinking when thirsty. You don’t need to only drink water to hydrate, you can get fluids from other beverages ( teas, coffees etc)
No snacks allowed before week 3. You shouldn’t need snacks. If you are truly hungry up your protein food. If you do feel hungry from week 3, opt for a small snack that includes protein and/or healthy fats. Try to have just one snack to preserve the benefits of fasting: remember it’s all about giving your insulin a break and encouraging fat burning – eating little bits all the time will achieve the opposite.
Good snacks help you stay satisfied without disrupting your fasting progress. These include:
- boiled eggs
- cheese
- biltong
- cold meats
- plain yoghurt
- veggie crudités with hummus
- a handful of nuts and seeds
- avocado